Watonga republican newspaper Theodore Roosevelt appointed him as the eighth territorial governor of Oklahoma Territory. According to Chief of Police Beth Massey, officer Kagan Rinehardt was conducting a regular traffic stop just east of the Love’s truck stop. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 Watonga City Council scheduled six special meetings, which, when added to other meetings Willis had missed reached the required 50 percent mark. 1892), and Wheeler Brothers Grain (est. Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Ian Ice, Indebtedness Stanley Raetz vs David Ray Cantrell, Fraud. That was me last Friday afternoon, and with good reason. He attended college at Oklahoma State University but returned home to run the Watonga Republican after his father passed away. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t the first newspaper, though. By News Staff on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 Image. 12, 1892. Divorce. Over that time hundreds if not thousands of Watonga youth have participated in baseball, softball, swimming and various other activities provided under the leadership and funding by the local club. 1907). The change was made some months ago when the Geary Police Department could no longer do its own dispatch because of the cost and difficulty in maintaining a full staff of dispatchers. S. Edition of Watonga Watonga is the county seat of Blaine County, located at the junction where State Highways 8 and 33 meet U. After her husband's death in 1921, Elva Ferguson managed the Watonga Republican alone until she sold it and retired in 1930. With as many people who are vocal in their dissatisfaction with city government and champing at the bit to file for a seat on city council, I would have thought the overview of Municipal Government 101 would be packed to the rafters of the Foley Building. Log In. 1/31-Watonga Eagles HS Basketball VS Mooreland @ Mooreland 6:30 p. Click "Get Started" to draft and submit your legal notice. Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, August 7, 1941 THURSDAY AUGUST 7 1941 WATONGA (OKLA) REPUBLICAN Washington arm News ARM PRICES air Now On Sale CLIM. Charity Begins at Home. Fortney Town of Canton shepherd, amber dawn to jwm investment co inc, city of watonga b7 l1 partial, city of watonga b7 l2-3 partial, city of watonga b7 l4 partial gressman minerals llc to freygish foundation, seay iii. Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins took bold action to advance President Trump’s agenda and ensure that the U. The annual Lions Club meal and cake auction is set for 6 p. J. Publication: Watonga Republican Blaine County Courthouse News. Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, January 10, Get access to Newspapers. us or The Watonga Republican at 580. with a cake auction at 6 p. According to legend, Roosevelt asked if there was one honest man in the entire territory that he could depend on to do the job, The largest online newspaper archive; 300+ newspapers from the 1700's - 2000's; Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, May 25, 1944 EIGHT WATONGA (OKLA. Klassen, Replevin & Money Judgment Okeene Municipal Hospital vs Justin Hysell, Et Al, Bridget Hysell, Indebtedness Discover Bank vs David L Gipson, Indebtedness Capital One, N. District school board president Dwight McGee gives a victorious fist pump after cutting the ribbon held by cheerleaders Kylie Hilterbran( L) and Sydnee Lake. 7 a. Advertise; Contact; Accessibility Policy By Brenda Stein The big news at the Watonga Senior Citizens is RAIN! We have been hoping and praying for rain for so long that we were certain it was never coming. The Northwestern Oklahoma community grew from a tent city in the midst of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation. A special session was required so that the ordinance could meet publication deadlines in time for inclusion on the election calendar, saving the city from the cost of a special election. 7748 or bookwoman@watonga. (see ad on A4) 8/10- Blaine County Farmers Market @ Legion Park Watonga. Felony Watonga Republican. The population was 2,690 as of the 2020 United States census. , Feb. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 Mark your calendars for April 4 when the Watonga Masonic Lodge is having a fundraiser for the Watonga Senior Citizens Center. 4922 for details A Pioneer Days Album of the Blaine County Area Contains collected family histories. Normally a brush fire isn’t news, but the high winds on Tuesday meant the flames could easily have crossed a fenceline and jumped to tinder-dry grass along the The Watonga Republican. In 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed him as Oklahoma’s eighth territorial governor. I will try my best to make Sharon proud. She became Welcome to our winter! The weathermen predicted arctic conditions, and they were right! It has not been this cold since last winter, and I hope all of you are able to stay warm and cozy: Speaking of warm, our upcoming menus will keep you that way: Thursday, Jan. P. Discover Birth, Marriage, and Obituary Announcements in Watonga Republican, sorted Watonga Republican is a weekly newspaper first appearing in 1892 and running to the present. Ferguson arrived in Watonga and established the Watonga Republican newspaper. 11/15-Watonga Community Coffee @ The Library (301 N Prouty) 9-10 a. Watonga Republican newspaper On cd-rom and microfilm, 1892 to present, founded by T Mid-afternoon Tuesday, the Watonga Fire Department was called out to a fire at the former Holly-Tex Carpet Mill on Russworm Avenue. He radioed that he was at Geary PD at 11:56 and 29 seconds. According to an Oklahoma City news outlet, a car traveling As Watonga begins its 130th year, so does the Watonga Republican. home in Watonga. In 1901 Pres. B. 10. Tuesday night, the remaining council members declared the seat vacant and the action allowed them The Watonga City Council met in special session Tuesday evening. Personally, I’d love to have the old school and turn it into a glorious home and workshop for my many varied interests, most of which need a lot of equipment and space, but the Redheaded Stranger swears he isn’t that handy, and we don’t Watonga Wrestling HOCO Vs Anadarko MS Dual 6 p. He served until The Watonga FFA chapter was represented at the 52nd annual Oklahoma FFA Alumni Leadership Camp, held at the Cedar Hills Baptist Youth Camp in Binger. Edition of Watonga Shown are the Watonga Elementary September Eagles of the Month. The last sentence of the statement from the Watonga Republican is an outright lie. Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, July 11, 1963 Thursday July 11 1963 TI1E WATONGA (Okla) REPUBLICAN Mr and Mrs Art Loewen and family returned Wedne. This weekend we have been blessed with several inches of rain, and no one is complaining. Family Court Watonga Republican. It is 70 miles northwest of Oklahoma City. But to make America great again, let’s start locally. Free hotdogs. Gerald M. In October 1892, Thompson B. The time has come for her to pass the torch so I have picked it up. For help with commonly asked questions about this site or placing Watonga Republican. So bragging about going in to ‘clean house’ is a falsehood. announced today that Watonga, Oklahoma is the first location of their revolutionary, green and affordable homes. By News Staff on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 Image. The Ring of Champions event will be held February 16 at the Blaine County Fairgrounds. By Civil Court on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Image. Skip to main content February 16, 2025. District school board president Dwight McGee gives a victorious fist pump after Tim Curtin, who owned and operated the Watonga (Oklahoma) Republican and other area newspapers for many years, died December 31, 2021. The Gateway to Oklahoma History currently provides T. vs Andrea A Carter, Debt Collection Echo Contracting, LLC vs CPE Gathering Midcon, LLC Et Al, John Does (1-10), Validus Energy II Midcon, LLC, Vivakor, Inc. He left the department and went to the school immediately. There were plentiful updates for the Watonga School Board to discover when it met Monday night in regular session. Moore Cheyenne Brown Dylan Ford Council Ward #2 Deborah McGee Robert Sawyer Council Ward #4 Howard Hursh Sr. More than 1,650 FFA members from over 300 Oklahoma FFA chapters have registered to participate in one of the six 2½day sessions scheduled from June 30 to July 13. Highway 270. © 2025 The Watonga Republican. We've covered Watonga and Blaine County since 1892. Edition of Watonga Republican The Watonga Kiwanis Club has been conducting its summer youth program in the community for more than 70 years, since 1950. . Watonga Republican from Watonga, Oklahoma • 8. It was a lively Sunday afternoon at the old Hitchcock gym. The turkey and dressing dinner was a great success and we want to thank everyone who came out to support the center. Edition of Watonga Editor’s note: The Watonga Republican created a live stream of the city council meeting. By News Staff on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Image. The largest online newspaper archive; 300+ newspapers from the 1700's - 2000's; The City of Watonga, meeting in a special session Thursday, agreed to redistricting the wards inside the city limits. 3,596 likes · 3 talking about this. tonga. Edition of Watonga The Watonga School Board, meeting in regular session Monday, heard multiple updates about the school sites and projects as well as planning for the upcoming school year that begins Aug. Edition of Watonga As Watonga begins its 130th year, so does the Watonga Republican. Zona Verde, Inc. I had written a story about issues with law enforcement information clarity at a recent event at Geary High School. Publication: Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, June 18, 1953 a Watonga Thursday June 18 1953 ESTABLISHED 1892 SIXTY IRST YEAR No 41 wfe Tpp Scholar allotments if. An article in last week’s edition indicated otherwise. FFA will be serving ice cream Watonga Republican. Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, April 9, 1964 Historical Society Oklahoma City Okla It The Watonga RIDING ROUNDUP With Watonga Oklahoma Thursday A. The Republican was first printed Oct. Other than that position, hire and fire is the wheelhouse of the city manager. Because of leap years, the anniversary by editions is Oct. Chester Timothy A big crowd was on hand Friday for the grand opening of the new gym at Watonga High School. lib. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 An early morning traffic stop Friday turned into a significant drug bust for the Watonga Police Department. Called on the carpet. Sports Betting Still Not Sure Thing. The largest online newspaper archive; 300+ newspapers from the 1700's - 2000's; A limited number of these books are still available. Log In Watonga Republican. He served until 1906, leaving office a year before Oklahoma became the nation’s 46th state. She helped pass out the vegetable of the week and helped prepare for the Bison Pride Assembly. Advertise; Contact; Accessibility Policy News flash – council has no authority to hire or fire anyone except the city manager. All we can do, at this point, is wash our hands thoroughly, eat right and stay warm. It was part of a non-Indian settlement opened in a land run on April 19, 1892. Hampton Tumara A. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 The last sentence of the statement from the Watonga Republican is an outright lie. For many years Sharon Gates has written the news from the Watonga Senior Center and she has done a fabulous job. Blaine County Undersheriff Eric Denning had heard the first call from dispatch when he was in Watonga and immediately started toward Geary. [18] J. [4] The town newspaper, the Watonga Republican, has been published since 1892. Body. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 The Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) Foundation, Inc. Get access to this page with a Free Trial! November 19, 1942 Watonga Republican from Watonga, Oklahoma • 1. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 In addition to her duties as first lady Ferguson continued to write political news for the Republican throughout her husband's tenure. The Oklahoma Bureau of Investigations has confirmed there is an ongoing investigation into possible misconduct and that it is working with the Watonga Police Department and the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office to determine what happened in the The City of Watonga and Watonga Police Department remains dedicated to serving our community with the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. The move was forced on the city by the Department of Environmental Quality under a consent order, meaning the city had to remedy the drinking water nitrate levels and other issues or face ongoing fines. Concern for the community and citizens does not have the importance it should if t Allegations have surfaced that a Watonga police officer was out of line when he questioned a resident and cuffed the man. By News Staff on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Image. -Geary Bison VS Tyrone (away) for the first The annual Lions Club meal and cake auction is set for 6 p. It kicked off with the Watonga Economic Development Authority meeting. Editor’s note: the following is a national press release highlighting the company who is slated to build its first U. Free Trial. 623. Pardon Our Slip. Read The Watonga Republican Wand Now the Norm at Courthouse Entrances Visitors to the Blaine County Courthouse can now expect to have a deputy run a metal Washington, D. The gym is seldom used these days, with the school closed long ago. The school and community is very proud of ther students at the elementary school. Blaine County Courthouse News. Ferguson, Elva and two sons came to Watonga in October after the Cheyenne and Arapaho land opening in 1892 to publish a newspaper, The Watonga Republican, which is still in print A big crowd was on hand Friday for the grand opening of the new gym at Watonga High School. The Watonga Lions Club presented a check to Patt Curtin for the Liberty Theatre facade work. ok. ) The termination of Watonga Police officer Monty Goodwin has been rescinded after an appeal to the city’s police review board. O. June 28 Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, September 29, Get access to Newspapers. Our menu for the following week is: Watonga Republican. Stitt, the newly selected Chief of Police for Geary, has issued a 22page report on the turmoil inside the department that led to the resignation of the former chief and four officers. C. 8/10- Masons Community Breakfast @ Senior Center in Watonga 7-10 a. Watonga Republican Sports, Watonga, Oklahoma. When the Watonga City Council met Wednesday, it was in front of a packed house with at least two live streams for those who could not attend. They arrived on scene to find a brush pile engulfed in flames. The Watonga Republican staff spent Saturday at Shawnee, where they attended the Oklahoma Press Association convention. 9 Turkey Pot Pie Friday -- Chicken Salad Sandwiches Monday-- Chili and Soup Tuesday-Breaded Blaine County Courthouse News. Place Public Notice View Public Notices. The largest online newspaper archive; 300+ newspapers from the 1700's - 2000's; Watonga suffered a citywide water outage beginning Thursday evening when a water main on Eagle Lane was damaged. We have been busy at the Watonga Senior Center, doing our part to help you exercise three times weekly, eat right and stay warm. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 The City of Watonga turned to the OWRB for a $16 million loan in 2023 to retrofit its wastewater plant and build a drinking water facility. He was 77. A. It will be a chicken and noodle dinner from 5 -7 p. Used by millions every month for genealogy and family history, According to the Blaine County Sheriff's Office and Sheriff Travis Daugherty, a search warrant was executed during the morning of May 21 at a residence located near the intersection of CR 820 and 2490 west of Watonga. Department of Agriculture Get your public notice published quickly and easily. 8/8- Watonga & Geary schools first day of school 2024. Coronation and HS Dual to follow 1/31-2/1-Watonga Wrestling at Chickasha Tournament @ Chickasha 12 p. Explore articles dated 1941 for a comprehensive view. - until too hot. Skip to main content January 28, 2025. , And, Lien Foreclosure Neal L Williams Living Trust Dated January 20 By News Staff on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Image. Log In Subscribe e Watonga Republican. The money was from the annual LIons Club feed fundraiser last month. Public Notices. 3. - Geary City Council Meeting Geary City Hall 6 p. These students are recognized for demonstrating the character trait of respect. "Like" this page to get updates, photos and Watonga Republican was published in Watonga, Oklahoma and includes 32,724 searchable pages from 1892-1964. 914 likes. Taken to the woodshed. Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, February 18, Get access to Newspapers. Goodwin was terminated in August after a series of complaints accompanied by video clips in which his use of force was drawn into question. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 Watonga is the county seat of Blaine County, located at the junction where State Highways 8 and 33 meet U. @ Calumet School Conference Room 11/14-Calumet Basketball @ Lomega 8 p. ” Sheriff Travis Daugherty said he had not filed a complaint, and any investigation was The Watonga Republican. Superintendent Kyle Hilterbran explained to the board why the crowd of assemblies at the end of the year. By Keaton Ross Oklahoma Watch on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Image. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 Why not make Watonga, and Blaine County for that matter, the best in the state? Or as the president elect says: “Make America Great Again”. 11/13 -Calumet School Board Meeting 6 p. Explore Watonga Republican obituary, marriage, The largest online newspaper archive, established in 2012. Civil. com. Concern for the community and citizens does not have the importance it should if t This newspaper has learned from an unimpeachable source that Geary Mayor Waylon Upchego has resigned effective immediately This newspaper has learned from an - Watonga Republican Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, August 20, 1959 1 her ter, son, field. Chester Timothy Curtin was born September 18, 1944, and grew up in Watonga. 8/13- Calumet Meet the teacher and drop off supplies night 5-7 p. Bank Of America, N. SWOSUF is governed by an independent Board of Trustees—all of whom are SWOSU alumni— and is operated by the SWOSU Office of Institutional Advancement (OIA) pursuant to Geary leadership recently grew concerned over the use of dispatching services in Weatherford. Edition of Watonga Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, May 28, 1964 Thursday May 28 1964 THE WATONGA A Publisher Extra® Newspaper. 14, 2025—On her first full day in office, U. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922. While the programs provided The largest online newspaper archive. Edition of Watonga In addition to the Watonga Republican newspaper, other businesses that continued to impact the community included United States Gypsum plant (established in 1905), Abstract & Guaranty of Blaine County (est. News Sports Opinion Obituaries. A vs Arlenia C Klassen, Indebtedness LVNV Funding LLC vs Cory A Weber, . Because of its popularity in recent years, the main course will be pork butt. Kristen Jane Ashby vs Dennis Drew Ashby, Dissolution Of Marriage Caleb Humphreys vs Kyla R Humphreys, Dissolution Of Marriage. Discover archival news from Watonga Republican, Watonga, Oklahoma, United States. (SWOSUF) is an independent 501 (c) 3 organization which has partnered with SWOSU since 1977. Edition of Watonga Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, July 9, 1964 TIIE WATOXGA Get access to Newspapers. 21st Mortgage Corporation vs Darrick L Klassen, Et Al, And All Unknown Occupants, Bonnie D. Contact the library at 580. Thursday, January 23 at the Foley Building at the Blaine County Fairgrounds. City of Watonga Council member at large Neal Riley Trey Chapman Marcus Wray Verlen Bills Council member Ward #1 Roy T. Department of Agriculture (USDA) better serves American farmers, ranchers, loggers and the agriculture community. Your home for Watonga Sports brought to you by the Watonga Republican Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, October 3, 1963 TIIE WATONGA (OKLA) REPUBLICAN Thursday October 3 1963 LEGAL NOTICES 1 Okla State Campus Notes By Ch. If they truly are dedicated to serving the community this never would have happened. Watonga is a city in Blaine County, Oklahoma. Clipping found in Watonga Republican published in Watonga, Oklahoma on 2/15/1934. The Fergusons returned to Watonga and full-time newspaper work in 1906. Tim Curtin, who owned and operated the Watonga (Oklahoma) Republican and other area newspapers for many years, died December 31, 2021. In October 1892 Thompson B. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 Washington, D. The largest online newspaper archive; 300+ newspapers from the 1700's - 2000's; Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, June 13, 1963 THE WATONGA (Okla) REPUBUCAN Thursday June 13 1963 Legal Notices Ml Use the WANT jiDS get QUICK RESU. (R) PHOTO BY CONNIE BURCHAM (Published in The Watonga Republican the week('s) of February 12th, & 19th) BID NOTICE The Board of County Commissioners will accept sealed bids on Behalf of Blaine County District #3: MODEL W-900 OR EQUIVALENT MODEL ENGINE CUMMINS ISX 15-565 HP OR EQUIVALENT TRANSMISSION MUST BE 18 SPEED REAR END MUST BE A 355 RATIO Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, January 4, Get access to Newspapers. Box 30 | Watonga, OK 73772 | (580) 623-4922 ABOVE AT LEFT Friday, Mazy Mooney was an excellent Principal’s Assistant. According to a legal notice in this week’s Watonga Republican, the State of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control are seeking to seize $9,320 taken as evidence during a raid on a pot grow known as CycoFlower in the former HollyTex factory. Since Blaine County Sheriff’s Office no longer dispatched, either, Geary, like the Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, January 4, 1934 ft 1 Thursday January 4 1934 THE WATONGA REPUBLICAN Page ive Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary oc. It is published in Watonga, Oklahoma. The damaged pipe resulted in the water being shut down across town, Watonga Republican. Watonga Republican. m. Get this Watonga Republican page for free from Thursday, April 24, 1958 TIIE WATONGA (Okla) REPUBLICAN Thursday April 24 195P LECAL NOTICES Amariiio News By Mr Glen Nobis T. That was the Watonga Rustler, begun by Charles Burrell. The largest online newspaper archive; 300+ newspapers from the 1700's - 2000's; In October 1892, Thompson B. oumrzn ufpsndp bddud bsybs xjfn rhsuq awjqz gxpdeb ougzb meccwndy atfz kqojr mwgth cahfl pbyke